Bill Gates life style and life story 2019

Bill Gates life style and life story 2019

 Bill Gates lifestyle and life story 2019.

Bill Gates is A rich person. Her worth  is $96.5 B in 2019. He is sixty three years old.He is country of citizenship United states of America. Wealth clue is Microsoft.Bill Gates born in  America..Bill Gates born 28 October in 1955 at good family  that was fantastic day. He is married person. Her wife is Melinda Gates.Bill Gates is A very intelligent man and her wife Melinda Gates is fantastic.They are established Bill and Melinda Gates fund.This fund is very essential for all countries nation.Bill Gates is A rich person in the world.Her family is A very comfortable and powerful.Bill does established Microsoft corporation in younger old with his friend.He and his friend was very good attractive of programming.previous .← Previous rich person know about . Next rich person →. They were searching job of programing but not get any job in programing.At last get job in International Business Mackintosh (IBM) Company.HGer friend name is Paul Allen.They are best friend they are life style.Bill Gates announced that 2014 he was chairman of Microsoft Corporation company that was own foundation.He and her friend Paul Allen does established Software business and Microsoft company. Bill Gates have three children.Read more


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